I'm starting a company
Yes, it’s a tech company, and it’s a little nerdy. We’re not trying to be the next facebook, but we are trying to solve a problem that almost all websites (and businesses) have:
Getting people to come back.
I’ll be working with a fantastic cofounder, John Allison to make it easy to create automatic customer retention emails

The short pitch
Emails are the best way to get people back to your site. At every company I’ve worked, there have been targeted emails we’ve wanted to send to people at just the right time. We’d think of them in the format:
If this happens
then send the customer that email
I’d rather go to the dentist and have my wisdom teeth pulled again than try to build 5 triggered emails like that from scratch. They’re a pain to create and manage in your own software, so we’re making it easy to manage by using our software.
Our Startup’s Buzzwords: Big Data, Email Marketing, Customer Retention, Lifecycle Marketing, Drip Marketing, User Retention as a Service.
We’re making it easy to build, manage, and measure automatic customer retention.
Farewell old friends
Starting April 1st, I’ll be leaving ChallengePost after a fantastic 2+ years as Head of Product. We’ve accomplished some wonderful things in the past couple of years. We’ve grown the team from 3 - 14 people. They’re in a great place. I’m confident about the prospects of the team and the leadership there.
For me, it’s on to another adventure. Every time I’ve taken a risk, whether it was starting the contest that inspired challengepost”, riding my bike across the US or moving to New York, I’ve always ended up in a better place.
I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2012 brings. It’s going to be a great year.